ARTMAN workshop co-located with ACSAC 2024 (December 9, 2024 - Waikiki)

Workshop on Recent Advances in Resilient and Trustworthy MAchine learniNg


This workshop aims at bringing together academic researchers and industrial practitioners from different domains with diverse expertise (mainly security & privacy and machine learning, but also from application domains) to collectively explore and discuss the topics about resilient and trustworthy machine learning-powered applications and systems, share their views, experiences, and lessons learned, and provide their insights and perspectives, so as to converge on a systematic approach to securing them.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Threat modeling and risk assessment of ML systems and applications in intelligent systems, including, but not limited to, anomaly detection, failure prediction, root cause analysis, incident diagnosis
  • Data-centric attacks and defenses of ML systems and applications in intelligent systems, such as model evasion via targeted perturbations in testing samples, data poisoning in training examples
  • Adversarial machine learning, including adversarial examples of input data and adversarial learning algorithms developed for intelligent systems
  • ML robustness: testing, simulation, verification, validation, and certification of robustness of ML pipelines (not only ML algorithms and models) in intelligent systems, including but not limited to data-centric analytics, model-driven methods, and hybrid methods
  • AI system safety: dependability topics related to AI system development and deployment environments, including hardware, ML platform and framework, software
  • Trust in AI systems and applications, this mainly explores the trust issues arising from the interactions between human users and AI systems (e.g., Man-Machine Symbiosis, Human-Machine Teaming), with a particular focus on interpretable, explainable, accountable, transparent, and fair AI systems and applications in intelligent systems
  • Resilience by reaction: Leveraging AI/ML algorithms, especially knowledge-informed models, to improve resilience and trust of intelligent systems

Submission Guidelines

  • Submissions should be 6-10 pages, using double-column ACM proceedings (acmart) template available here, with the [sigconf,anonymous] options. Two additional pages can be used for well-referenced appendices. Note that the reviewers are not expected to read these appendices.
  • All submissions must be anonymous.
  • Accepted workshop papers and slides will be published on the ACSAC website with open access
  • Extended versions of selected papers may be considered for publication in a Special Issue.

Submission Link


Important Dates

  • September 1, 2024: Submission Deadline
  • October 6, 2024: Acceptance Notification
  • November 3, 2024: Camera-Ready Paper Submission Deadline
  • December 9, 2024: Workshop

Organizing Committee

Program Chairs

  • Gregory Blanc (Telecom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, France)
  • Takeshi Takahashi (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan)
  • Zonghua Zhang (Huawei Paris Research Center, France)

TPC Members (to be completed)

  • Muhamad Erza Aminanto (Monash University, Indonesia)
  • Sajjad Dadkhah (University of New Brunswick, Canada)
  • Doudou Fall (Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Senegal)
  • Pierre-François Gimenez (CentraleSupélec, France)
  • Yufei Han (Inria, France)
  • Frédéric Majorczyk (DGA, France)
  • Ikuya Morikawa (Fujitsu, Japan)
  • Antonio Muñoz (University of Malaga, Spain)
  • Toshiki Shibahara (NTT, Japan)
  • Pierre-Martin Tardif (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)
  • Akira Yamada (Kobe University, Japan)
  • This workshop is co-located with the ACSAC 2024 conference and is partially supported by the GRIFIN project (ANR-20-CE39-0011).